Galileo’s mechanical devices.



  • To Value, respect and appreciate the leading figure of Galileo and his contribution to mankind.
  • To know the time and culture in which Galileo lived.
  • To develop and consolidate teamwork habits.
  • To understand and express themselves in a foreign language properly,


  • To  Know the inventions made by Galileo and to relate them to the different disciplines in which they are included.
  • To recognize and value Galileo's contribution to science.


  • To learn some of the most famous structures in the world.
  • To learn what a structure is, its function and classification.
  • To know the internal forces within structures and to be able to identify them.
  • To be able to identify structural components.
  • To know Galileo`s mechanical devices.




  • Galileo's birth and childhood.
  • Galileo's education and training.
  • Galileo's work.
  • Historical Context: Italy at the time of Galileo. Galileo's employers.
  • Galileo's inventions.
  • Inquisition and Galileo's reaction to it.
  • Stance of the Church in later centuries.


  • Galileo's inventions.


  • Structures. Definition and classification.
  • Famous structures in the world.
  • Forces and loads.
  • Internal forces within structures: compression, tension, bending, shear, torsion.
  • Structural components: arch, column, beam, vault, dome, truss, cable and foundations.
  • Types of bridges.
  • Design and construct the structure of a Galileo`s mechanical device.



  • Vocabulary: 
    • Nouns:
      • physicist, mathematician, engineer, astronomer, philosopher, scientific revolution, Renaissance, achievements, improvements, telescope, Copernicanism, sunspots, military compass, heliocentrism, lifetime, geocentrism, stellar parallax, Roman Inquisition, thermoscope, Jesuits, Holy Office, heresy, lutenist, controversy, conjectures, estimates.
      • Inventor, compass, thermoscope, thermometer, water pump, floating bodys, spyglass, telescope

      • structure, skeleton, shell, force, load, compression, tension, bending, shear, torsion, bridge, tower, palace, castle, wall, bridge, building, cathedral, coliseum, arch, column.
    • Adjectives:
    • significant, aesthetic. applied, physical, fascinating, scientific, tentative. accurate.
    • natural/manufactured (structure), static/dynamic (load).
    • Verbs:
      • support, investigate, advocate, attack, accomplish
      • develop, expand, express, measure, travel, verify, discover, emit, resemble

      • build, stretch, lengthen, squash, shorten, twist, tear, cut, bend, support, stand, push, pull
    • Adverbs:
      • seriously, correctly, vehemently, uncritically, largely, previously, remarkably.
  • Structures:
    • What is it used for/to?
    • It is used for + -ing/ It is used to + infinitive
    • Present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous
    • Passive: It was built in… 
    • Relalives: He was the person who played a major role in the scientific revolution
  • Discourse:
    • To define basic concepts related to structures in Galileo's inventions.
    • To make a spoken exposition of what has been learned in the unit.
    • To make a spoken exposition aiming at the presentation of the built model and each of the technical and technological process steps taking part in the building work



  • Reading: texts related to the unit and websites in English.
  • Match Galileo's inventions pictures to their present utility after their evolution.
  • Design and build one of Galileo's inventions model (telescope).
  • Listening skills: listening to youtube videos.
  • Writing: questions and answers for a quiz
  • Use of English: grammar structures above
  • Speaking: Explaining the work in class.



  • To know Galileo's main inventions, their use and evolution up to date.
  • To value Galileo's research contribution to mankind.
  • To raise students' awareness of the knowledge of the world in which we live.




  • Each group will make up questions with four possible answers. They will be posted on IES Galileo website  and students will be able to fill in an online survey.


  • Each group will prepare a multi-choice test with questions about Galileo's invention. This form is available online on the website of IES Galileo.


  • To make a spoken exposition aiming at the presentation of the built model of telescope and each of the technical and technological process steps taking part in the building work




  • Search for information using the Internet, library books, guides and other sources.
  • Sharing of information.
  • Drafting of the text and selection of illustrative images
  • Finalization of the presentation
  • Students will be organized in class in the working groups already allocated.
  • 6 sessions of 60 minutes


  • Warm-up activities.
  • Several worksheets will be used to present the figure of Galileo and the development of the telescope.
  • Search for information using the Internet, library books, guides and other sources.
  • Sharing of information.
  • Development of multi-choice questions
  • Submitting questions to a shared drive Google form.

  • Students will be organized in class in the working groups already allocated.
  • 6 sessions of 60 minutes


  • All intermediate tasks will be performed by groups (corresponding to the groups of the final task) except pre-task which will be made with the whole class group.
  • PRE-TASK; to search for Galileo's main inventions and their development throughout history. (1 session)
  • INTERMEDIATE TASKS: to design and build a model of Galileo's telescope using cardboard, paperboard and two lenses. (2 sessions)






  • Cards of activities designed by the teacher
  • Tools and materials for classroom-workshop
  • Computers & Internet
  • Text book
  • Language assistant
  • Chalkboard and whiteboard



  • Competence in linguistic communication
  • Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world.
  • Competence in processing information and use of the ICT.
  • Competence in social skill and citizenship.
  • Social and civic competence.
  • Cultural and artistic competence.
  • Learning to learn.
  • Auonomy and personal initiative.




  • The work will be assessed as follows:
    • Contents - up to 4 points
    • Teamwork - up to 2 points
    • Exposition - up to 2 points
    • Presentation and originality - up to 2 points
    • The work as a whole will be worth 10% of the term marking


  • The work will be evaluated with a maximum score of 10 following the criteria related to the contents of subject included in a rubric.
  • A learning diaryl will be filled after each session. Assessment of teamwork in each group will be included in the diary. The result will be taken into account when marking student work. Also each student will do self-assessment when the unit will be finished.


  • 70%: correct and complete performance of intermediate activities and final task.
  • 20%: involvement in final task and teamwork. Oral participation in class. Proper development of ICT skills, mathematics, cultural and artistic, linguistic and learning to learn competences.
  • 10%: Attitude in class. Respect for others. Interest in learning. Behavior. Organization of work (workbook).

Andalusia, a great place to live: history, culture, landscape and environment.



La Junta de Andalucía ha seleccionado a personal de diferentes organizaciones de la administración autonómica para que realice una presentación que promueva las diferentes zonas de Andalucía y que muestre aquellas cosas más interesantes y notables sobre cada una de las zonas andaluzas para incentivar al turismo a venir a nuestros pueblos y ciudades. 




El alumnado trabajará en equipos de hasta cuatro componentes. Tendrá que distribuirse el trabajo entre todos los miembros del equipo. Cada uno de los miembros del equipo deberá gestionar su propio trabajo y tendrá la responsabilidad de investigar, seleccionar y editar su parte de la información, que se unificará en el trabajo de grupo para dar forma a una presentación con el software soportado por el ordenador del aula del grupo para que pueda ser proyectada en la pizarra digital del aula.


Los miembros de cada grupo trabajarán conjuntamente en la edición, música y narrativa de fondo si la hubieran. Para ello seguirán las pautas establecidas en la opción "How to write a ... presentation" del menú de la izquierda. La presentación tendrá que ser realizada en inglés, ajustarse a las pautas establecidas, ser breve, comunicativa y, sobre todo, cumplir el objetivo de convencer al espectador de que Andalucía es el lugar ideal para vivir.


El contenido se corresponderá con las asignaturas que el alumnado está estudiando: Inglés, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Lengua Española y Literatura, y Tecnología. La confección de las presentaciones será realizada como trabajo en casa, y será supervisada por el profesorado de las asignaturas antes mencionadas a petición del alumnado. Una vez finalizadas será presentadas en inglés y evaluadas en clase de las diferentes asignaturas entre los días  12 y 16 de enero de 2015.


Al mismo tiempo cada grupo deberá realizar su trabajo correspondiente en la asignatura de Lengua Española y Literatura, que consistirá en la búsqueda de una leyenda de Andalucía o de algún autor andaluz para, una vez comentadas en clase, realizar una presentación de la leyenda con el software de Comic Life tanto en inglés como en español.




Información general sobre Andalucía.


1. Junta de Andalucía.


2. Andalucía in Wikipedia.


Andalucía en la prensa.


1. Andalusian Star News.


2. Andalusian Centre of Photography.


3. Andalusia in Sur in English.


4. The Olive Press.


5. Andalusian Wilderness.


Historia de Andalucía.


1. Andalusian history in detail.


2. An historical overview of Southern Spain.


3. Food, Gastronomy and culture.


4. The Legacy of Al-Andalus: Muslim Spain.


5. Andalucía: Enciclopaedya Britannica.


6. Turismo de Granada.


7. Costa del Sol.


8. Teatro Romano de Málaga.


9. Averroes. Red Telemática.


10. Cueva de Nerja.


11. Conjunto arqueológico Dómenes de Antequera.


12. Alcazaba de Málaga.


13. Historia de Málaga.


14. Úbeda y Baeza. Joyas del renacimiento mundial.


15. Historia de Jaén.


16. Monumentos de Sevilla.


17. Monumentos:Sevilla.


18. Turismo de Cádiz.


19. Visit Gibraltar.


20. Conjunto arqueológico Baelo Claudia.


21. Cádiz 2012: capital iberoamericana de la cultura.


22. Carnaval de Cádiz.


23. Las Cortes de Cádiz y la Constitución de 1812.


24. Huelva la Luz.


25. Destino Huelva.


26. Guía rápida para el Rocío.


27. Turismo de Córdoba.


28. Mezquita de Córdoba.


29 Mezquita Catedral de Córdoba.


30. Al-Andalus.


31. La época Califal en Córdoba.


32. The City of Almería.


33. Parque Natural Cabo de Gata - Níjar.


34. Almería: patrimonio cultural.


35. Costa de Almería: arqueología.


36. Turismo en Cazorla


37. Andalucía: Fitur 2014.


38. Discover Andalucía!


39. Andalucía: autonomous region.


40. Wikitravel: Andalusia.


41. Andalusia travel information and video.


La ciencia en Andalucía.


1. Información ambiental. Consejería de Medio Ambiente.


2. Agencia andaluza de la energía.


3. Ecological footprint.


4. La huella de Carmela (video).