Galileo: perceptions of the universe before Galileo.
- To Value, respect and appreciate the leading figure of Galileo and his contribution to mankind.
- To know the time and culture in which Galileo lived.
- To develop and consolidate teamwork habits.
- To understand and express themselves in a foreign language properly,
- To know the universe layout theories of scientists before Galileo.
- To compare the universe distribution models of scientists before Galileo to Galileo's proposed model.
- To recognize and appreciate Galileo's contribution to the present knowledge of the universe.
- Aristotle
- Aristarchus of Samos
- Ptolemy
- Hypatia of Alexandria
- Copernicus
- Kepler
- Galileo
- The geocentric theory. Aristotle, Claudius Ptolomy.
- The heliocentric theory. Aristarcus of Samos, Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Hypathia.
- The Scientific method
- Astronomy vs. Astrology
- Vocabulary:
- Nouns:
- History:
- philosopher, scientist, physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, theater, music, rhetoric, linguistics, politics, neoplatonism, polymath, canon law, physician, translator, governor, diplomat, economist, heliocentrism, geocentrism, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer...
- Science:
- A.D., astronomer, astronomical unit, B.C., dimension, eclipse, galaxy, light-year, planet, sky, solar system, sphere, star, theory, universe, asteroid, atmosphere, belt, cloud, comet, core, crater, density, desert, dwarf planet, Earth, equator, gravity, Jupiter, liquid, Mars, mass, Mercury, methane, Neptune, period, plane, revolution, rock, rotation, satellite, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, weight.
- History::
- to be born, to become, to live, to discover, to invent, to establish, to contribute, to describe, to suspect, to motivate, to point out, to claim, to encourage.
- Science:
- develop, expand, express, measure, revolve, travel, verify, discover, emit, equal, last, orbit, reflect, resemble.
- History:
- mathematics, empirical, physical, classical, zoological, astronomical, important, scientific, augustinian
- Science:
- countless, equal, galactic, geocentric, heliocentric, influential, medium-sized, practical, related, tiny average, breathable, close, coloured, dense, distant, frozen, giant, long, low, natural, parallel, rocky, similar, slow, spectacular, thick, thin.
Adverbs: eventually, additionally, officially, actually, slowly, particularly
- Structures:
- Present simple: So, the distance of the Earth from the Sun varies as the Earth revolves around the Sun.
- Past simple: Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1542) first developed this theory.
- Present continuous: Say which component of the Milky Way the speaker is describing.
- Present perfect: Throughout history, there have been various theories explaining …
- Present simple passive: Saturn’s ring system is composed of hydrogen and helium.
- Relative pronouns (which, that): Hydrogen particles combine to form helium particles, which are larger; Our galaxy is just one of the billions or trillions that make up the known universe.
- Comparatives: Pluto, Ceres and Eris, and some smaller and more distant dwarf planets.
- Superlatives: Ceres is the largest dwarf planet in the asteroid belt.
- Listening skills: listening to youtube videos.
- Reading: read through websites in English
- Writing: writing the texts.
- Use of English: grammar structures above.
- Speaking: Explaining the work in class.
- To know Galileo's main inventions, their use and evolution up to date.
- To value Galileo's research contribution to mankind.
- To raise students' awareness of the knowledge of the world in which we live.
To make a PowerPoint presentation on these scientists'
biographies and the historical context in which they lived.
- All groups will make an Impress presentation comparing universe models proposed by each and eveery scientist before Galileo to that proposed by Galileo.
- Search for information using the internet, books from the school library, guides and other resoruces.
- Information idea sharing.
- Text composition and explanatory images selection.
- Final production of presentation.
- Students will be organized in class according to allocated work teams.
- Six lessons of 60 minutes each.
- Competence in linguistic communication
- Competence in knowledge and interaction with the physical world.
- Competence in processing information and use of the ICT.
- Competence in social skill and citizenship.
- Social and civic competence.
- Cultural and artistic competence.
- Learning to learn.
- Auonomy and personal initiative.
- The work will be assessed as follows:
- Contents - up to 4 points
- Teamwork - up to 2 points
- Exposition - up to 2 points
- Presentation and originality - up to 2 points
- The work as a whole will be worth 10% of the term marking
Assessment wil be ranked up to 10 points following criteria connected to contents of area appearing in a pre-designed rubric.
Students will fill in a learning diary after each lesson which will include the teamwork mark for each group. The result will be considered for the final students work marks. Once the unit has been finished, students wll do self assessment, too.
Recommended resources
- Computer with Internet connection, pencil, English-Spanish dictionaries, reference books, graphics software and other presentations.
- Links
- Aristotle:
- › ... › Greek Philosophy
- › ... › Ancient Greece
- Hypatia of Alexandria:
- Aristarchus of Samos
- Ptolemy
- Copernicus
- Kepler
- Galileo
- Early Astronomers: Ptolemy, Aristotle, Copernicus, and Galileo
- Astronomy for kids
Alhaurín de la Torre, a great place to live: geography, myths, legends and nature.
La Junta de Andalucía ha seleccionado a personal de diferentes organizaciones de la administración autonómica para que realice una presentación que promueva las diferentes zonas de Andalucía y que muestre aquellas cosas más interesantes y notables sobre cada una de las zonas andaluzas para incentivar al turismo a venir a nuestros pueblos y ciudades.
El alumnado trabajará en equipos de hasta cuatro componentes. Tendrá que distribuirse el trabajo entre todos los miembros del equipo. Cada uno de los miembros del equipo deberá gestionar su propio trabajo y tendrá la responsabilidad de investigar, seleccionar y editar su parte de la información, que se unificará en el trabajo de grupo para dar forma a una presentación con el software soportado por el ordenador del aula del grupo para que pueda ser proyectada en la pizarra digital del aula.
Los miembros de cada grupo trabajarán conjuntamente en la edición, música y narrativa de fondo si la hubieran. Para ello seguirán las pautas establecidas en la opción "How to write a ... presentation" del menú de la izquierda. La presentación tendrá que ser realizada en inglés, ajustarse a las pautas establecidas, ser breve, comunicativa y, sobre todo, cumplir el objetivo de convencer al espectador de que Alhaurín de la Torre es el lugar ideal para vivir. El contenido se corresponderá con las asignaturas que el alumnado está estudiando: Inglés, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Lengua Española y Literatura, y Educación Plástica. La confección de las presentaciones será realizada como trabajo en casa, y será supervisada por el profesorado de las asignaturas antes mencionadas a petición del alumnado. Una vez finalizadas será presentadas en inglés y evaluadas en clase de las diferentes asignaturas entre los días 12 y 16 de enero de 2015.
Al mismo tiempo cada grupo deberá realizar su trabajo correspondiente en la asignatura de Lengua Española y Literatura, que consistirá en la realización de un callejero explicativo de los nombres
de las calles de Alhaurín de la Torre.
Información General sobre Alhaurín de la Torre
1.Alhaurín de la Torre Town Hall
2. Alhaurin de la Torre in Wikipedia
3. Alhaurín de la Torre in Diario Sur
4. Alhaurín de la Torre in Costa del Sol
Información sobre agua potable y depuración de aguas
2. Water Purification Wikipedia
3. Wastewater Treatment United States Geological Survey
Información sobre energía eléctrica y residuos sólidos urbanos
2. Municipal Solid Waste U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Información sobre espacios verdes
1. Open space reserve Wikipedia
Información sobre canteras y el transporte
2. Environmental Impact of Transport